Hi, I made this vector portrait of myself. It looks just like me. My hair is longer now.

Who is Hess?

Jessica Arcila.

Hess is a designer and artist born and raised in Florida. Despite her inclination towards warmer climates, she attended university in the heart of Missouri, Stephens College, later graduating in 2018 with a B.F.A in Theatre Arts (Scenic Design.)
After a few changes in life and in her career, Hess embarked on another educational journey at the start 0f 2021, but this time ONLINE! She attended Full Sail University online, completing a B.S in Graphic Design in the summer of 2023.

Hess is all about visceral storytelling by means of visual art and design, often in the form of whimsy and humor. Emotion and all that comes with the human experience stand at the center of this creative machine. I believe that embracing these qualities of existence creates an avenue to forming authentic connections between people, brands, and organizations. We all have a story to tell so we may as well have a fun and fulfilling time doing so.

Soli Deo Gloria

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